Global. Simple. Thoughtful
Golf Tournament Software

Built with a deep understanding and love for Golf
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Live Scoring

You can enter your scores as you play. This gives the professional experience to every tournament.

Live Leaderboard

Live Leaderboards make every tournament exciting. Even if its a friendly match or a club tournament, we strive to give a great experience.

Inbuilt Course data

Inbuilt course data related to course rating, slope rating, par and stroke index of over 30,000 golf courses to post your score with ease.

Multiple Formats
  • Match Play
  • Stableford
  • Stroke Play
  • Chicago Chicago
  • Irish Rumble & more ...
Free upto 20 players

You can use our software absolutely free upto 20 players.

User Friendly

The key differentiator with Golforb is the ease that we offer for anyone to set up a golf tournament.